Table of Contents

Class ComputerBehavior

Tiny Life.dll

A computer behavior is a WorkAtDeskObjectBehavior that is executed at a computer. Using this behavior automatically turns the computer on (TurnOn(string)) and plays a typing sound.

public class ComputerBehavior : WorkAtDeskObjectBehavior
Inherited Members
Extension Methods


ComputerBehavior(Action, string)

Creates a new computer behavior with the given settings.

public ComputerBehavior(Action action, string screenContent)


action Action

The action that this behavior is acting upon.

screenContent string

The name of the texture that should be displayed on the computer's screen, which is passed to TurnOn(string).

ComputerBehavior(Action, string, TimeSpan, TimeSpan)

Creates a new computer behavior with the given settings.

public ComputerBehavior(Action action, string screenContent, TimeSpan workTime, TimeSpan breakTime)


action Action

The action that this behavior is acting upon.

screenContent string

The name of the texture that should be displayed on the computer's screen, which is passed to TurnOn(string).

workTime TimeSpan

The amount of in-game time that this action's Person shoud look to be typing for.

breakTime TimeSpan

The amount of in-game time that this action's Person should look to be waiting for inbetween typing sessions.



Initializes this action behavior. This method is automatically called when using BehaviorAction in AndThenInitialize().

public override void Initialize()


Causes any activities that this action behavior executes to be marked as completed. This method is automatically called when using BehaviorAction in OnCompleted(CompletionType).

public override void OnCompleted(CompletionType completion)


completion CompletionType

Update(GameTime, TimeSpan, float)

Updates this action behavior every update frame. This method is automatically called when using BehaviorAction in AndThenUpdate(GameTime, TimeSpan, float).

public override void Update(GameTime time, TimeSpan passedInGame, float speedMultiplier)


time GameTime

The game time

passedInGame TimeSpan

The amount of time that has passed since the last update frame

speedMultiplier float

The game speed multiplier, which represents how fast things should happen, which is usually determined by Speed