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Enum FoodType.FoodIntolerance

Tiny Life.dll

A flag enumeration that represents a set of food intolerances for a FoodType, which determines what food can be eaten by a Person based on their PersonalityType. See GetPersonality(FoodIntolerance, Person) to retrieve matching personalities.

public enum FoodType.FoodIntolerance
Extension Methods


None = 0

No food intolerance.

NotForBabies = 8

A food intolerance representing a food that is not suitable for babies to eat.

NotForChildren = 24

A food intolerance representing a food that is not suitable for children, or babies, to eat.

NotPescetarian = 7

A food intolerance representing a food item that is not pescetarian, which also includes the NotVegetarian (and thus, NotVegan) flag.

NotVegan = 1

A food intolerance representing a food item that is not vegan.

NotVegetarian = 3

A food intolerance representing a food item that is not vegetarian, which also includes the NotVegan flag.