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Class GetAndSitDownBehavior

Tiny Life.dll

A get-and-sit-down behavior is an ActionBehavior where a person gets an action object that can be picked up (like a plate of food) and interacts with it on a chair or at a standing desk. This behavior considers a multitude of possible circumstances for the action, including the item being on a counter, on the ground, already on a valid table, in the person's hand, and more. Note that GetInteractingItemForAction<T>(ActionInfo, params FurnitureType[]) should be used to ensure that the correct interaction item is returned in every circumstance.

public class GetAndSitDownBehavior : ActionBehavior
Inherited Members
Extension Methods


GetAndSitDownBehavior(Action, bool, bool, params FurnitureType[])

Creates a new get-and-sit-down behavior with the given settings

public GetAndSitDownBehavior(Action action, bool forceTable, bool allowStandingDesk, params FurnitureType[] workItems)


action Action

The action that uses this behavior

forceTable bool

A property that determines whether this action requires a table to be executed. If this value is false, the person is able to sit down on a chair or a bench without a table if there is none present.

allowStandingDesk bool

A property that determines whether this action can be executed at a StandingDesk

workItems FurnitureType[]

An array of FurnitureType instances that represents all ietms which can be gotten and sat down with. This array is used to check the validity of a person's held item and items on tables.



Creates a set of actions that should be executed before the main Action starts. This method is automatically called when using BehaviorAction in CreateFirstActions().

public override IEnumerable<Action> CreateFirstActions()




Returns this action behavior's icon object. This method is automatically called when using BehaviorAction in GetIconObject(). By default, this method returns the underlying ActionInfo's GetActionObject<T>(bool).

public override MapObject GetIconObject()



The icon object

GetInteractingItemForAction<T>(ActionInfo, params FurnitureType[])

A helper method that returns the item instance that is currently being interacted with in this action. Since this action type is rather complex, this is the favored way over GetActionObject<T>(bool).

public static T GetInteractingItemForAction<T>(ActionInfo info, params FurnitureType[] workItems) where T : Furniture


info ActionInfo
workItems FurnitureType[]



The object, or null if there is none

Type Parameters


The type that the object is expected to be


A helper method that returns the item instance that is currently being interacted with in this action. Since this action type is rather complex, this is the favored way over GetActionObject<T>(bool).

public T GetInteractingItem<T>() where T : Furniture



The object, or null if there is none

Type Parameters


The type that the object is expected to be


Returns the action that should be executed after this action behavior's underlying Action completes. This method is automatically called when using BehaviorAction in GetNextAction(CompletionType).

public override Action GetNextAction(CompletionType completion)


completion CompletionType

The underlying action's completion type



The action that should be executed next, or null


Initializes this action behavior. This method is automatically called when using BehaviorAction in AndThenInitialize().

public override void Initialize()

Update(GameTime, TimeSpan, float)

Updates this action behavior every update frame. This method is automatically called when using BehaviorAction in AndThenUpdate(GameTime, TimeSpan, float).

public override void Update(GameTime time, TimeSpan passedInGame, float speedMultiplier)


time GameTime

The game time

passedInGame TimeSpan

The amount of time that has passed since the last update frame

speedMultiplier float

The game speed multiplier, which represents how fast things should happen, which is usually determined by Speed