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Class OutOfTownAction

Tiny Life.dll

An out-of-town action is an action where the PersonLike finds the closest exit road and then exits the city using that road. Out-of-town actions are things like going to work, where the destination location isn't visible to the player.

public abstract class OutOfTownAction : MultiAction, IGenericDataHolder
Inherited Members
Extension Methods


OutOfTownAction(ActionInfo, bool, bool, params NeedType[])

Creates a new out-of-town action with the given settings. Note that, since some data is not saved to disk, all of the information should be provided by a subclass constructor.

public OutOfTownAction(ActionInfo info, bool discardHeldItemFirst, bool restoreNeedsEqually, params NeedType[] needsToTakeCareOf)


info ActionInfo

The action info

discardHeldItemFirst bool

Whether a DiscardHeldItemAction should be enqueued and executed before leaving town.

restoreNeedsEqually bool

Whether all needs should be restored equally. If this is true, all specified needs will be restored perpetually instead of just low ones.

needsToTakeCareOf NeedType[]

The needs that should automatically be taken care of

OutOfTownAction(ActionType, ActionInfo, bool, bool, params NeedType[])

Creates a new out-of-town action with the given settings. Note that, since some data is not saved to disk, all of the information should be provided by a subclass constructor.

public OutOfTownAction(ActionType type, ActionInfo info, bool discardHeldItemFirst, bool restoreNeedsEqually, params NeedType[] needsToTakeCareOf)


type ActionType

The action type

info ActionInfo

The action info

discardHeldItemFirst bool

Whether a DiscardHeldItemAction should be enqueued and executed before leaving town.

restoreNeedsEqually bool

Whether all needs should be restored equally. If this is true, all specified needs will be restored perpetually instead of just low ones.

needsToTakeCareOf NeedType[]

The needs that should automatically be taken care of



The needs that should automatically be taken care of while the person is out of town. A need gets taken care of in AndThenUpdate(GameTime, TimeSpan, float) if it is below 35%. Note that this value is not saved to disk, and should be provided by a subclass constructor.

protected readonly NeedType[] NeedsToTakeCareOf

Field Value




Initializes the main action. This method is called after Handler has all completed.

protected override void AndThenInitialize()

AndThenUpdate(GameTime, TimeSpan, float)

MultiAction version of Update(GameTime, TimeSpan, float). This method is called every update frame while the main action is active. By default, only MainElapsedTime is increased.

protected override void AndThenUpdate(GameTime time, TimeSpan passedInGame, float speedMultiplier)


time GameTime

The current game time

passedInGame TimeSpan

The amount of time that has passed, in game time

speedMultiplier float

The game speed multiplier, which represents how fast things should happen, which is usually determined by Speed

CanEnqueueConversation(PersonLike, ActionType)

Returns true if the given person can (automatically) enqueue a social action with the Person that is executing this action. Note that enqueueing a social action manually is still possible even if this method returns false. By default, only TinyLife.Actions.SleepAction returns false on this method.

public override bool CanEnqueueConversation(PersonLike person, ActionType type)


person PersonLike

The person that wants to converse with us.

type ActionType

The type of action that should be enqueued. Might be null, in which case a generic or unknown action is querying this function.



Whether or not enqueueing a social action is possible.


Returns true if this action, while it is currently active, should cause the ExtremelyFast speed to be available. By default, this method returns false.

public override bool CausesExtremelyFastSpeed()



Whether the extremely fast speed should be available


Return a set of actions that should be executed before this action. Even if the yield statement is used, all actions will be collected into a list at the start of this action's invocation. If no action gets returned in this function, this action fails. If the returned set only contains null items, no first actions will be executed.

protected override IEnumerable<Action> CreateFirstActions()



A set of actions that should run before this action


Returns an action that should be queued up immediately after this action completes. The queued up action is immediately started in the slot that this action occupied. Can be null, and is null by default. Note that this method is not called, and the next action is thus ignored, when this action is canceled externally (like through the CancelAction(Action, Action, bool) method).

public override Action GetNextAction(CompletionType completion)


completion CompletionType

The type that this action completed with



The follow-up action