Struct Project.ActionSettings
A struct that represents a set of settings for CreateActions(ActionSettings)
public struct Project.ActionSettings
- Inherited Members
- Extension Methods
ActionSettings(string, ObjectCategory, string, Type)
Constructs new action settings with the given default values
public ActionSettings(string name, ObjectCategory context, string type, Type constructedType)
stringThe basic name for the actions
ObjectCategoryThe context for the actions
stringThe type of project that these actions should relate to. The type needs to have a constructor that additionally accepts a string, which is the project name to work on.
TypeThe type that should be constructed for the start and continue actions
A function that determines whether the given project can be continued. By default, this function returns true for a project whose Completed property is false.
public Predicate<Project> CanContinue
Field Value
The function that is used to construct the scrap action. If this is null, projects will not be scrappable using these actions. The type needs to have a constructor that additionally accepts a string, which is the project name to work on, and is passed using AddedConstructorArguments.
public Type ConstructedTypeScrap
Field Value
A function that determines whether the given project should be included as an action variety or whether it should be ignored. By default, this function returns true for a project that is not Archived, and whose DailyPay is less than or equal to 0.
public Predicate<Project> IncludeProject
Field Value
A function that determines the display name for a given project. If this is null, the project's Name is displayed along with its doneness percentage.
public Func<Project, string> ProjectDisplayName
Field Value
The underlying ActionType.TypeSettings to use for construction. These will be amended with additional info based on these action settings as part of CreateActions(ActionSettings).
public ActionType.TypeSettings Settings
Field Value
The project Type to use for the actions
public string Type