Table of Contents

Class Project

Tiny Life.dll

A project is a thing that can be done, saved, completed and monetized by a Person. A project should be used for actions like writing and programming, where there isn't a physical, MapObject-based representation of the projecgt in the world (like with paintings).

public class Project : JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder, IGenericDataHolder
Inherited Members
Extension Methods


Project(Person, string, string)

Creates a new project with the given settings

public Project(Person person, string type, string name)


person Person

The person that owns this project

type string

The type of the project

name string

The name of the project



The name of this project, which is usually user-entered using OpenTextPrompt(string, Action<string>, Predicate<string>, Rule, string, TextureRegion)

public readonly string Name

Field Value



The quality of this project, which defaults to Terrible, and does not have to be used

[DataMember(EmitDefaultValue = false)]
public Quality Quality

Field Value



The type of this project, which is an arbitrary string. Book writing projects, for example, have the type set to "Book".

public readonly string Type

Field Value




A property that stores whether this project is archived. A project is archived automatically in OnNewDay() once its DailyPay reaches 0.

public bool Archived { get; protected set; }

Property Value



Returns whether this project is completed. For default projects, this returns whether Progress is greater than or equal to 100.

public virtual bool Completed { get; }

Property Value



The daily pay value of this project. If this is set, and DailyPayReductionFactor is also set, daily royalties will be paid to the Person that owns it.

[DataMember(EmitDefaultValue = false)]
public float DailyPay { get; protected set; }

Property Value



The amount by which the DailyPay of this project is reduced every day. If this value is set to 0.1, for example, the DailyPay will be multiplied by 1 - 0.1 (= 0.9) every day.

[DataMember(EmitDefaultValue = false)]
public float DailyPayReductionFactor { get; protected set; }

Property Value



The person that owns this project

public Person Person { get; protected set; }

Property Value



The progress of this project, which can be an arbitrary number. Most projects in the default game use a progress between 0 and 100, at which point Completed will also return true by default.

public float Progress { get; set; }

Property Value




Creates a set of action settings (which can be registered using Register(TypeSettings)) that involve creating, continuing and scrapping projects of a specified type. It is recommended to use the provided non-default constructor of Project.ActionSettings for this method.

public static IEnumerable<ActionType.TypeSettings> CreateActions(Project.ActionSettings settings)


settings Project.ActionSettings

The action settings



A set of type settings for a start, continue and scrap action

GetPossibleArguments(ActionInfo, string, Predicate<Project>, Func<Project, string>)

Returns the varieties that a Person has at their disposal for a given project Type. The varieties returned include all of the projects that the Person has in their project list.

public static IEnumerable<ActionArgument> GetPossibleArguments(ActionInfo info, string type, Predicate<Project> condition = null, Func<Project, string> projectDisplayName = null)


info ActionInfo

The action info

type string

The type of projects to return varieties for

condition Predicate<Project>

A condition that determines whether a project should be turned into a variety

projectDisplayName Func<Project, string>

A function that determines the display name of each project, or null to display its Name



A set of action varieties

MakeProgress(float, float, ActionInfo, SkillType, float)

Makes progress on the project, updating the Progress value based on the Person's Skill and general efficiency modifier

public virtual void MakeProgress(float amount, float speedMultiplier, ActionInfo info = null, SkillType skill = null, float levelModifier = 0.1)


amount float

The amount to add to the Progress

speedMultiplier float

The game speed multiplier, which represents how fast things should happen, which is usually determined by Speed

info ActionInfo

The action informatio nthat optionally influences progress gain using GetEfficiencyModifier(float, ActionInfo, SkillType, float)

skill SkillType

The (optional) skill that influences progress gain using GetEfficiencyModifier(float, ActionInfo, SkillType, float)

levelModifier float

The (optional) amount that each level of the skill influences progress gain. Defaults to 0.1.


A method called automatically when Completed turns to true after Progress changes. Note that, if Completed has a custom implementation, this method will respect that.

protected virtual void OnCompleted()


This method gets called when a new day is reached. By default, this method reduces the DailyPay by the DailyPayReductionFactor and sets Archived to true if the DailyPay goes below 1.

public virtual void OnNewDay()

OpenNamePrompt(Action, string, Action<Project>, string)

A helper method that uses OpenTextPrompt(string, Action<string>, Predicate<string>, Rule, string, TextureRegion) to open a prompt that the player can enter a project name in when starting a new project. Additionally, a (random or single) defaultName can be specified to fill the text field by default.

public static void OpenNamePrompt(Action action, string type, Action<Project> onNameChosen, string defaultName = null)


action Action

The action to open the prompt for.

type string

The type of project to start and name.

onNameChosen Action<Project>

An action that is invoked when the name is chosen and the project is started.

defaultName string

The default name to fill the text field with.

OpenScrapPrompt(Action, string, string, Action)

A helper method that uses OpenTextPrompt(string, Action<string>, Predicate<string>, Rule, string, TextureRegion) to open a prompt for when a project should be scrapped by a player.

public static void OpenScrapPrompt(Action action, string type, string name, Action onScrapped = null)


action Action

The action to open the prompt for.

type string

The type of project to scrap.

name string

The name of the project to scrap.

onScrapped Action

An action that is invoked when the project is scrapped.


Removes this project from the Person's project list, effectively deleting it

public virtual void Remove()

SetDailyPay(float, float, bool)

Sets the daily pay amount of this project, optionally based on its Quality. If influencedByQuality is true, the daily pay and daily reduction factor will be modified to suit the quality better.

public void SetDailyPay(float amount, float dailyReductionFactor, bool influencedByQuality = true)


amount float

The amount to pay daily

dailyReductionFactor float

The amount that the daily pay should be reduced by. amount is multiplied with 1 - dailyReductionFactor every day.

influencedByQuality bool

Whether the current Quality should have an effect on the pay


Validates this project, setting the Person that owns it after the game is loaded.

public virtual bool Validate(Person person)


person Person

The person that owns this project



Whether this project is considered valid