Struct ILightObject.Settings
A set of settings for a ILightObject, which can be added to a furniture type using LightSettings.
public struct ILightObject.Settings
- Inherited Members
- Extension Methods
A function that is used to create the lights for the ILightObject.
public Func<MapObject, Light[]> CreateLights
Field Value
A set of positions that fire particles should be displayed with, based on the given ILightObject instance's position. These offsets are applied to ScreenPosOffset. If this is null, no fire particles will be displayed.
public Func<MapObject, Vector2>[] FireParticleOffsets
Field Value
Whether the light object flickers, which causes the lights created in CreateLights to change size slightly over time.
public bool Flickers
Field Value
Whether this light object is lit and unlit automatically based on the time of day. Light object with this setting should not use the Lamp category, as that is what allows it to be toggled on and off by people.
public bool IsAutomatic
Field Value
Whether the light object is electrical. If it is, it will automatically be IsDisabled if the owning household's bills have not been paid.
public bool IsElectrical