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Enum CursorType

Tiny Life.dll

An enumeration that defines types of cursor graphics that can be set using CurrentCursor.

public enum CursorType
Extension Methods


Default = 1

The default cursor graphic, which is just an arrow

Disallowed = 5

The disallowed cursor graphic, which is an arrow with a "disallowed" sign next to it

EditingActions = 7

The cursor graphic that indicates that a modifier key is being pressed that allows the action queue to be edited.

Hammer = 3

The hammer cursor graphic, which is a hammer

None = 0

No cursor

Range = 4

The range cursor graphic, which is an arrow with small green arrows next to it, arranged in a way to signify that a range is edited

RotatingCamera = 6

The cursor graphic that indicates that a modifier key is being pressed that allows the camera to be rotated.

TextInput = 8

The cursor graphic that indicates hovering a text input box.

Wall = 2

The wall placement cursor graphic, which is an arrow with a little wall next to it