Struct Household.RandomConstellation
A struct that is used for the RandomConstellations list and ultimately by Generate(Random).
public readonly struct Household.RandomConstellation
- Inherited Members
- Extension Methods
RandomConstellation(IEnumerable<(AgeGroup Age, int Min, int Max)>, IEnumerable<RandomRelation>)
Creates a new random constellation with the given settings.
public RandomConstellation(IEnumerable<(AgeGroup Age, int Min, int Max)> possibleMembers, IEnumerable<Household.RandomRelation> possibleRelations)
IEnumerable<(AgeGroup Age, int Min, int Max)>The set of possible members that can be generated for this constellation. The dictionary maps an AgeGroup to a tuple of the minimum and maximum amount of people that can be generated with that age.
IEnumerable<Household.RandomRelation>The set of possible relations that can be generated for this constellation. The dictionary maps two people of the given age groups to a set of Household.RandomRelation instances they can be generated with.
The set of possible members that can be generated for this constellation. The dictionary maps an AgeGroup to a tuple of the minimum and maximum amount of people that can be generated with that age.
public readonly Dictionary<AgeGroup, (int Min, int Max)> PossibleMembers
Field Value
The set of possible relations that can be generated for this constellation. The dictionary maps two people of the given age groups to a set of Household.RandomRelation instances they can be generated with.
public readonly Dictionary<(AgeGroup, AgeGroup), Household.RandomRelation[]> PossibleRelations
Field Value
Generates raw household data for the given constellation, which can then be passed to Generate(Map, Random, List<AgeGroup>, Dictionary<(int Person, int Other), Relation>) to generate the actual people. This method returns the list of people that should be generated (referenced only by their age group), as well as a dictionary of relations between those people.
public (List<AgeGroup>, Dictionary<(int Person, int Other), Household.Relation>) Generate(Random random)
RandomThe random instance to use.