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Enum IUpdatingObject.UpdateMode

Tiny Life.dll

A set of update modes for updating objects, used by CurrentMode.

public enum IUpdatingObject.UpdateMode
Extension Methods


AlwaysMajor = 1

An update mode that causes objects to be updated each update frame (through Update(GameTime, TimeSpan, float)), regardless of whether the map the object is on returns true on IsActive.

MajorIfActive = 0

An update mode that causes objects to be updated each update frame (through Update(GameTime, TimeSpan, float)), on the condition that the map the object is on returns true on IsActive. When a map is inactive, the object is updated with the PassiveUpdateMinutes between each call to Update(GameTime, TimeSpan, float), but with the parameters adjusted to reflect the time passed.

Minor = 2

An update mode that causes objects to update minorly all the time, meaning with the MinorUpdateMinutes between each call to Update(GameTime, TimeSpan, float), but with the parameters adjusted to reflect the time passed.