Table of Contents

Class Map

Tiny Life.dll

A map holds all of the data about a city, like its tiles, its objects and its roads. A map is split into MapSection objects which allows faster retrieval of objects in an area.

public class Map : JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder, IGenericDataHolder
Inherited Members
Extension Methods



Creates a new map with the given size

public Map(Point sizeInSections)


sizeInSections Point

The size, in sections, of this map



An Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Effect that skips drawing pixels that have very low alpha.

public static readonly Effect AlphaTestEffect

Field Value



The set of names of the Migration instances that have already been applied to objects on this map. When a new map is created, this collection is initialized with all migrations that exist, as new objects are expected to not need migration.

[JsonProperty(DefaultValueHandling = DefaultValueHandling.IgnoreAndPopulate)]
public HashSet<string> AppliedMigrations

Field Value



The Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.DepthStencilState that is used as a response to the DepthStencilReplace state to draw only to parts of the screen that have been marked as "replaced" by the DepthStencilReplace state.

public static readonly DepthStencilState DepthStencilCheck

Field Value



The Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.DepthStencilState that is used to replace the stencil buffer with a value of 1 in locations that are drawn to. The stencil state set by this state can be queried using the DepthStencilCheck state.

public static readonly DepthStencilState DepthStencilReplace

Field Value



The Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.BlendState that is used for drawing to light maps.

public static readonly BlendState LightBlend

Field Value



A list of all Mail that needs to be sent by a mail carrier the next morning.

public readonly List<Mail> MailToSend

Field Value



The maximum floor, above the ground floor, that objects can be placed on in build mode. It is set to 1 in the demo and 4 in the full version of the game. For querying the maximum floor that the player can currently view, use CurrentMaxFloor.

public const int MaxFloor = 4

Field Value



The minimum floor, below the ground floor, that objects can be placed on in build mode. It is set to 0, but will likely change in the future, when basements are added to the game. For querying the minimum floor that the player can currently view, use CurrentMinFloor.

public const int MinFloor = 0

Field Value



The amount of minutes of in-game time that have to pass before an IUpdatingObject with the Minor is updated.

public const float MinorUpdateMinutes = 15

Field Value



An Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Effect that draws textures in their regular shape, but with a solid color rather than the texture's actual colors.

public static readonly Effect NoTextureColorsEffect

Field Value



An Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Effect that only draws the outlines of the textures that are drawn with it in the passed color.

public static readonly Effect OutlineEffect

Field Value



The amount of minutes of in-game time that have to pass before an IUpdatingObject with the MajorIfActive is updated while this map isn't IsActive.

public const float PassiveUpdateMinutes = 5

Field Value



A collection that is used in MarkDirtyForPathfinding(Point, int) which determines the set of "neighbor" positions that should additionally be marked dirty when a given position is marked as dirty. By default, this collection contains all neighboring positions (MLEM.Maths.Direction2Helper.AllExceptNone), as well as positions two tiles, and one floor, offset in adjacent directions for the purpose of Stairs pathfinding.

public static readonly List<(Point Offset, int FloorOffset)> PathfindingDirtyNeighbors

Field Value

List<(Point Offset, int FloorOffset)>


Contains a set of information and related functions that determine whether a given PersonLike is a valid visitor for a given map. Each entry contains the Type that extends PersonLike which is valid, a weight function that determines how likely this visitor is to be chosen, a validator function that determines whether a given exported PersonLike is valid for this entry, and a function to create a new PersonLike of the given type if there are none available.

public static readonly List<(Type Type, float Weight, Func<PersonLike, bool> IsValid, Func<Map, Random, PersonLike> CreateNew)> PossibleRegularVisitors

Field Value

List<(Type Type, float Weight, Func<PersonLike, bool> IsValid, Func<Map, Random, PersonLike> CreateNew)>


This field holds the radius that roads are required to have (in road tiles) excluding the center dotted line tiles. It is set to 2.

public const int RoadRadius = 2

Field Value




A set of randomly generated children that can be adopted using AdoptChild. If this collection has children removed from it, it will automatically get repopulated until there are 12 children in it.

public List<Person> AdoptableChildren { get; }

Property Value



This map's PerSaveOptions.MapInfo, which includes its name and whether it is custom.

public PerSaveOptions.MapInfo Info { get; }

Property Value



Whether this map is active. An active map is one that is either current (IsCurrent), or that has members of the CurrentHousehold on it.

public bool IsActive { get; }

Property Value



Whether this map is current. This returns whether this map is the same as CurrentMap.

public bool IsCurrent { get; }

Property Value



The set of all maps that are loaded together as part of the same save, including this map. During gameplay, this collection is the same as CurrentMaps.

public Dictionary<string, Map> Neighborhood { get; }

Property Value

Dictionary<string, Map>


The size in tiles that this map has. This is always SizeInSections multiplied by Size.

public Point Size { get; }

Property Value



The size, in sections (not tiles) that this map has

public Point SizeInSections { get; }

Property Value



The static version of this map. When a new save file is created, a static version of each map is loaded and used as the save file's basis. If the static version of the save file is newer, their save file is updated to the new static map version, which causes all non-lot objects to be copied to the saved map.

public int StaticVersion { get; }

Property Value



This map's current in-game time, including the full day and time.

public TimeSpan Time { get; }

Property Value



AddHousehold(Lot, bool)

Adds a new household to this map by calling the Household constructor.

public Household AddHousehold(Lot lot, bool addedThroughPopulating = false)


lot Lot

The lot that the household should live on

addedThroughPopulating bool

Whether the household was added through random population rather than by a player.



The newly created household


Adds the given light to the world at its Position

public Light AddLight(Light light)


light Light

The light to add




Adds a new lot with the given area to this map's lots

public Lot AddLot(Rectangle area)


area Rectangle

The area that the new lot should have



The newly created lot


Adds the given lot to this map's lots.

public void AddLot(Lot lot)


lot Lot

The lot to add.


Adds the given object to this map. Note that, if the object's Id is already present on this map, this method will cause an exception.

public MapObject AddObject(MapObject obj)


obj MapObject

The object to add to this map




Adds a road to the map at the given position. This doesn't actually add the road tiles, but it notifies the pathfinder that there is a road center at this location.

public void AddRoad(Point pos)


pos Point

The position to add a road to


Adds the given roof to this map

public void AddRoof(Roof roof)


roof Roof

The roof to add


Adds the given stairs to this map, additionally marking all involved locations dirty for pathfinding.

public void AddStairs(Stairs stairs)


stairs Stairs

The stairs to add.


Adds the given wall to the given position. Optionally, the Room related to that wall is re-calculated.

public bool AddWall(WallLike wall)


wall WallLike

The wall to add



Whether the wall could be added successfully

ApplyCameraRotation(Vector2, bool, Direction2?)

Applies the game's current CameraRotation to the given position in world space

public Vector2 ApplyCameraRotation(Vector2 worldPos, bool borderOffset = false, Direction2? cameraRotation = null)


worldPos Vector2

The position, in world space

borderOffset bool

Whether a border offset should be applied. This is useful for tiles and other objects that aren't centered in the middle of their tiles, but that use the top-left corner of a tile for positioning.

cameraRotation Direction2?

An optional override camera rotation which should be used in favor of CameraRotation



The position in world space, but with camera rotation appplied

ApplyInverseCameraRotation(Vector2, Direction2?)

Applies the game's current CameraRotation to the given position in world space in reverse, undoing the action done by ApplyCameraRotation(Vector2, bool, Direction2?)

public Vector2 ApplyInverseCameraRotation(Vector2 worldPos, Direction2? cameraRotation = null)


worldPos Vector2

The position, in world space

cameraRotation Direction2?

An optional override camera rotation which should be used in favor of CameraRotation



The position in world space, but without camera rotation appplied

CanWalkBetween(PersonLike, Point, int, Point, int)

Returns whether the given person can walk between the two given positions. Internally, this method only queries whether GetPathCost(MapObject, Point, int, Point, int) is lower than MaxValue or PositiveInfinity. Note that, for this method to return a proper result, nextPos has to be directly or diagonally adjacent to currPos.

public bool CanWalkBetween(PersonLike person, Point currPos, int currFloor, Point nextPos, int nextFloor)


person PersonLike

The person to get the path cost for

currPos Point

The current position

currFloor int

The current position's floor.

nextPos Point

The next, neighboring position

nextFloor int

The next position's floor.



Whether the two locations can be walked between

CollectPossiblePathNeighbors((Point Pos, int Floor), ISet<(Point Pos, int Floor)>)

Collects all possible next positions that can be walked to from the given position to the given set of neighbor positions. The set is not cleared beforehand, and only modified if there is a valid pathfinding node (GetPathfindingNode(Point, int)) at the given position.

public void CollectPossiblePathNeighbors((Point Pos, int Floor) position, ISet<(Point Pos, int Floor)> neighbors)


position (Point Pos, int Floor)

The position, and floor, in world space.

neighbors ISet<(Point Pos, int Floor)>

The set of neighbors to collect possible path neighbors into.

Draw(GameTime, SpriteBatch, bool, RectangleF?, Matrix?, RenderTarget2D, bool)

Draws this map and all of its objects. Note that drawing in this manner uses multiple Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.RenderTarget2D objects, for things like the ground and the lightmaps.

public void Draw(GameTime time, SpriteBatch batch, bool selectionMode, RectangleF? visibleArea = null, Matrix? visibleMatrix = null, RenderTarget2D lightmap = null, bool ignoreObjectVisibility = false)


time GameTime

The game's time

batch SpriteBatch

The sprite batch to use for drawing

selectionMode bool

Whether we're drawing in selection mode ("ShowSelectionEffect" cheat displays this mode)

visibleArea RectangleF?

The area that is visible, in world space. If this is null, MLEM.Cameras.Camera.GetVisibleRectangle() is used to calculate the visible area.

visibleMatrix Matrix?

A matrix that has a translation and scale that determines the visible area of the screenshot

lightmap RenderTarget2D

The light map to draw lighting data onto, or null to use the default light map

ignoreObjectVisibility bool

Whether object visibility (Visibility) should be ignored


Returns a set of all LotEmployment instances and their Lot on the map. Note that MapWideEmployments are also returned, with their Lot component being set to null.

public IEnumerable<(LotEmployment Employment, Lot EmploymentLot)> GetAllLotEmployments()


IEnumerable<(LotEmployment Employment, Lot EmploymentLot)>

All lot employments on this map


Returns all of the PersonLike objects that are on this map, including dead people stored in gravestones.

public IEnumerable<PersonLike> GetAllPeople()



All people on this map.

GetClosestEmptyTile(Vector2, float, int, bool, bool, bool, bool, Predicate<Point>)

Returns the position of the closest tile that is empty. An empty tile is a tile that has no MapObject instances on it.

public Point? GetClosestEmptyTile(Vector2 pos, float floor, int radius = 2, bool ignorePeople = true, bool hasToBeOnLot = false, bool sameRoom = false, bool hasToBeNonnull = true, Predicate<Point> valid = null)


pos Vector2

The position to be close to

floor float

The floor to query tiles on.

radius int

The radius to search for empty tiles in

ignorePeople bool

Whether or not people should be ignored. If this is true, the returned empty tile might currently be occupied by a PersonLike.

hasToBeOnLot bool

Whether or not the returned tile position has to be part of a Lot

sameRoom bool

Whether or not the returned tile position has to be in the same room as pos

hasToBeNonnull bool

Whether the tile has to be nonnull, ie air tiles on higher levels should not be included.

valid Predicate<Point>

A predicate that can optionally be used to check whether the returned tile matches additional conditions.



The closest empty tile, or null if there isn't one


Returns the closest exit point on the map to the given position, out of all of the points returned by GetExitPoints().

public Point GetClosestFreeExitPoint(Vector2 position)


position Vector2

The position that the exit point should be close to.



The closest exit point to the given position.

GetClosestRoads(Point, int)

Returns all road markers around the given pos in the given radius, ordered by their distance to the pos.

public IEnumerable<Point> GetClosestRoads(Point pos, int radius)


pos Point

The position to find the closest roads to

radius int

The radius, in tiles, to search for roads in



The closest road points

GetClosestRoadsidePosition(Point, Vector2)

Returns the closest roadside position to the given road position, as well as the given pos.

public Point? GetClosestRoadsidePosition(Point road, Vector2 pos)


road Point

The road position.

pos Vector2

The (non-road) position that the returned roadside position should be closest to.



The closest roadside position, or null if there is none around.

GetDepth(Vector2, float, float, bool, bool, bool)

Gets the depth that should be used for drawing an object at the given position

public float GetDepth(Vector2 worldPos, float floor, float offset = 0, bool center = true, bool borderOffset = false, bool applyCameraRotation = true)


worldPos Vector2

The position to get depth for, in tile coordinates

floor float

The floor to get depth for.

offset float

An offset added to the depth value

center bool

Whether the position should be centered on the x axis

borderOffset bool

Whether the map border offset should be applied to the camera rotation using ApplyCameraRotation(Vector2, bool, Direction2?). This value only has an effect if applyCameraRotation is true

applyCameraRotation bool

Whether the game's current CameraRotation should be applied using ApplyCameraRotation(Vector2, bool, Direction2?)



The depth to pass to the draw call


Returns a set of all exit points on the map, which are locations on the map's border that Tinies can exit from either on foot or using their car.

public IEnumerable<(Point Position, Direction2 Dir)> GetExitPoints()


IEnumerable<(Point Position, Direction2 Dir)>

All exit points on this map.


Returns the household that the given PersonLike lives in

public Household GetHousehold(PersonLike person)


person PersonLike

The person to query



The person's household, or null if there is none


Returns the household that lives on the given Lot

public Household GetHousehold(Lot lot)


lot Lot

The lot to query



The household that lives on the lot, or null if none lives there


Returns a set of all of the Household instances that live on this map

public IEnumerable<Household> GetHouseholds()



This map's households


Returns the lot that is present at the given position. The lot returned will always have its Area contain the passed position.

public Lot GetLot(Point pos)


pos Point

The position to query



The lot at that position, or null if there is none


Returns the lot with the given id on this map. The returned lot's Id will equal the given id.

public Lot GetLot(Guid id)


id Guid

The id that the lot should have



The lot with the given id


Returns a set of all of the Lot objects on this map

public IEnumerable<Lot> GetLots()



This map's lots


Returns the Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SamplerState to use when rendering the map. This value is determined by BlurZoomedOut, as well as the Camera's scale.

public static SamplerState GetMapSampler()



The sampler state to use when rendering the map.


Returns the object with the given id of the given type. If there is no object with that id, or its type does not match, null is returned.

public T GetObject<T>(Guid id) where T : MapObject


id Guid

The id that the returned object should have



The object, or null if there is no matching one

Type Parameters


The type that the object is expected to have


Returns a set of objects that are present in the given area.

public IEnumerable<T> GetObjects<T>(RectangleF area)


area RectangleF

The area, in tile coordinates



A set of objects that match the criteria

Type Parameters


The type that the objects need to have

GetPathCost(MapObject, Point, int, Point, int)

Returns the cost to pathfind from the given current position to the given next position. Note that, for this method to return a proper result, nextPos has to be directly or diagonally adjacent to currPos.

public float GetPathCost(MapObject obj, Point currPos, int currFloor, Point nextPos, int nextFloor)


obj MapObject

The person to get the path cost for

currPos Point

The current position

currFloor int

The current position's floor.

nextPos Point

The next, neighboring position

nextFloor int

The next position's floor.



The cost to path to this location


Returns all of the PersonLike objects that are on this map, excluding dead people stored in gravestones.

public IEnumerable<PersonLike> GetPeople()



This map's people

GetRandomTile(Random, Vector2, int, int, bool, bool, bool, Predicate<Point>)

Returns a random tile in the given radius that matches the given predicate. If no tile is found, an empty Nullable<T> is returned.

public Point? GetRandomTile(Random random, Vector2 pos, int floor, int radius = 32, bool hasToBeOnLot = false, bool sameRoom = false, bool hasToBeNonnull = true, Predicate<Point> valid = null)


random Random

The random to use

pos Vector2

The position that the radius should be centered on

floor int

The floor to query.

radius int

The radius

hasToBeOnLot bool

Whether the position returned has to be on a lot

sameRoom bool

Whether the position returned has to be in the same room as the pos passed

hasToBeNonnull bool

Whether the tile has to be nonnull, ie air tiles on higher levels should not be included.

valid Predicate<Point>

A predicate that determines whether tile should be included



A random tile that matches the given conditions


Returns the set of PersonLike instances in the world that are regular visitors. This method is a shorthand for GetPeople() and IsRegularVisitor. Note that dead regular visitors are not returned.

public IEnumerable<PersonLike> GetRegularVisitors()



This map's regular visitors


Returns a set of all of the road markers on this map

public IEnumerable<Point> GetRoads()



A set of all road markers on this map

GetRoof(Point, int)

Gets a Roof whose area contains the given position

public Roof GetRoof(Point pos, int floor)


pos Point

The position to find a roof at

floor int

The floor to find a roof at.



The roof at that position, or null if there is none


Returns the roofs that intersect the given area.

public IEnumerable<Roof> GetRoofs(RectangleF area)


area RectangleF

The area to search for roofs in.



The roofs in the given area.

GetRoom(Point, int)

Returns the room that the given pos is contained in. If the position is out of bounds (IsInBounds(Point)), null is returned.

public Room GetRoom(Point pos, int floor)


pos Point

The position to query

floor int

The floor to query.



The room at that location, or null if there is none


Returns all rooms that are contained in, or intersect with, the given area. Note that this method performs rather badly on a large scale, and its usage should be avoided if GetRoom(Point, int) is more convenient.

public IEnumerable<Room> GetRooms(RectangleF area)


area RectangleF

The area to search for rooms in.



The rooms in the area.

GetSection(Point, bool)

Returns the MapSection at the given tile position

public MapSection GetSection(Point pos, bool clamp = false)


pos Point

The tile position

clamp bool

Whether the pos should be clamped into the valid Size of the map.



The section at that position

GetSections(RectangleF, int)

Returns a set of sections that are contained in (or intersect with) the given area

public IEnumerable<MapSection> GetSections(RectangleF area, int radiusIncrease = 0)


area RectangleF

The area to find sections in, in tile coordinates

radiusIncrease int

The radius, in sections, that the search area should be extended by



A set of sections covered by this area

GetSections(Point, int)

Returns a set of sections that are contained in (or intersect with) the given area

public IEnumerable<MapSection> GetSections(Point point, int radiusIncrease = 0)


point Point

The position to find the section for, in tile coordinates

radiusIncrease int

The radius, in sections, that the search area should be extended by



A set of sections covered by this area

GetStairs(RectangleF, bool)

Returns all of the stairs in the given area, including stairs that partly intersect, on all floors.

public IEnumerable<Stairs> GetStairs(RectangleF area, bool includeEntryPositions = false)


area RectangleF

The area.

includeEntryPositions bool

Whether the entry positions of the stairs should be included, rather than just the Area.



The stairs in the area.


Returns information about all static maps that are currently loadable by the game, including default maps, modded maps, and custom maps. This method also invokes the OnGetStaticMaps event, which allows mods to add their own static maps to the list. To load a static map, use LoadStaticMap(MapInfo) or AddMapToSave(MapInfo, Action).

public static IEnumerable<(string Path, string Description, Texture2D Icon, bool Custom, bool Hidden)> GetStaticMaps()


IEnumerable<(string Path, string Description, Texture2D Icon, bool Custom, bool Hidden)>

Information about all static maps that can be loaded by the game.


Returns a set of all of the dead people that are stored in Gravestone furniture, both on this map and in the household storages of any of this map's households.

public IEnumerable<(Gravestone Gravestone, PersonLike Person)> GetStoredDeadPeople()


IEnumerable<(Gravestone Gravestone, PersonLike Person)>

The stored dead people on this map.

GetTile(Point, int)

Returns the tile at the given position on this map. Note that, if the floor is not the ground floor 0, this method can return null.

public Tile GetTile(Point pos, int floor)


pos Point

The position to query

floor int

The floor.



The tile at that position

GetTilesAround(Vector2, float, int, bool, bool, bool, Predicate<Point>)

Returns a set of tiles around the given position that match the given conditions

public IEnumerable<Point> GetTilesAround(Vector2 pos, float floor, int radius, bool hasToBeOnLot = false, bool sameRoom = false, bool hasToBeNonnull = true, Predicate<Point> valid = null)


pos Vector2

The position

floor float

The floor to query.

radius int

The radius, in tiles

hasToBeOnLot bool

Whether the returned positions have to be on a lot

sameRoom bool

Whether the returned positions have to be in the same room as the pos passed

hasToBeNonnull bool

Whether the tile has to be nonnull, ie air tiles on higher levels should not be included.

valid Predicate<Point>

A function that determines whether a position should be returned. If this is null, all valid positions are returned.



A set of positions that match the given conditions


Returns a rectangle, in world space, that encompasses all tile positions on a Map that are currently visible, based on the passed cameraArea, which is expected to be the value of a camera's MLEM.Cameras.Camera.GetVisibleRectangle(). Note that, due to the fact that maps are in isometric perspective, the returned rectangle contains additional tile positions in each corner of the cameraArea that aren't actually visible.

public static RectangleF GetVisibleWorldArea(RectangleF cameraArea)


cameraArea RectangleF

The camera area, in camera space.



The visible area, in world space.


Returns the visitation priority for this map for the given PersonLike. The returned value is based on whether the person is on the same map, and the results of the OnGetVisitPriority event.

public float GetVisitPriority(PersonLike person)


person PersonLike

The person visiting a lot on this map.



The priority, as a weight.

GetWallBetween<T>(Point, Point, int)

Returns the wall between the pos and secondPos. A wall is between two positions if its Positions are exactly those two positions, ignoring their order.

public T GetWallBetween<T>(Point pos, Point secondPos, int floor) where T : WallLike


pos Point

The first position

secondPos Point

The second position

floor int

The floor.



The wall between the two positions, or null if there is none

Type Parameters



Returns a set of walls in the given area. All WallLike objects for which at least one Positions entry is contained in the area are returned.

public IEnumerable<T> GetWalls<T>(RectangleF area) where T : WallLike


area RectangleF

The area to query for walls



A set of walls in the area

Type Parameters


IsFreeSpot(Point, int)

Returns whether or not the given position on the given map is free for a PersonLike to stand in

public bool IsFreeSpot(Point pos, int floor)


pos Point

The position to query

floor int

The floor to query.



Whether this position is free to stand on


Returns whether the given position is in bounds of this map's Size

public bool IsInBounds(Point pos)


pos Point

The position to query



true if the position is in bounds, false otherwise


Whether the given lot is hidden from the camera. Note that the result of this method will be different from IsLotVisible(Lot), since this method also checks for the ShowAllLots cheat. For ease of use, this method returns false if lot is null.

public static bool IsLotHidden(Lot lot)


lot Lot




Returns whether the given position contains a road. This doesn't query road tiles, but it queries for road markers added by AddRoad(Point).

public bool IsRoad(Point pos)


pos Point




Loads a static map with the given name from the game's content directory. Note that no validation steps (ValidateEarly(MapInfo, Dictionary<string, Map>, Action<string>, Action<float>), Validate(bool, Action<string>, Action<float>), PostValidate(Action<string>, Action<float>)) have taken place when the map is returned.

public static Map LoadStaticMap(PerSaveOptions.MapInfo info)


info PerSaveOptions.MapInfo

The PerSaveOptions.MapInfo of the static map to load.



The static map that was loaded.

MarkDirtyForPathfinding(Point, int)

Marks the given position dirty for pathfinding purposes. When a path is found again close to this position, its cost (GetPathCost(MapObject, Point, int, Point, int)) will be re-calculated. This method is called by Furniture when it is placed for removed.

public void MarkDirtyForPathfinding(Point pos, int floor)


pos Point

The position to mark dirty

floor int

The floor that the position is on.


Marks the given position dirty for drawing, which causes the underlying MLEM.Graphics.StaticSpriteBatch to re-render the tile. This method is used automatically by SetTile(Point, int, Tile) and AutoTile.

public void MarkGroundTileDirtyForDrawing(Point pos)


pos Point

The position to mark dirty.

MarkObjectDirtyForDrawing(MapObject, MapSection, bool)

Marks the given MapObject dirty for drawing, which causes the underlying MLEM.Graphics.StaticSpriteBatch to re-render the object if its visibility is Static. This method is used automatically by AddObject(MapObject) and RemoveObject(MapObject), as well as when a static object's Position changes.

public void MarkObjectDirtyForDrawing(MapObject obj, MapSection section = null, bool removedFromSection = false)


obj MapObject

The object to mark dirty.

section MapSection

The section that the object is expected to be in, or null to determine the section automatically.

removedFromSection bool

Whether the object was removed, and should not be redrawn in the section.

MoveEverything(Point, Rectangle, bool, Tile)

Moves all of the objects, walls, tiles and roofs in the given area in the world, optionally moving the lots as well

public void MoveEverything(Point offset, Rectangle area, bool moveLots, Tile defaultTile = null)


offset Point

The offset to move things by

area Rectangle

The area to move

moveLots bool

Whether lots should be moved as well. The content of lots will be moved regardless of this parameter

defaultTile Tile

The default tile to replace the moved ground with.

OnCameraRotationChanged(Direction2, Direction2)

A method that is called when CameraRotation is changed. When changing camera rotation manually, this method should be called along with the change.

public void OnCameraRotationChanged(Direction2 oldRotation, Direction2 newRotation)


oldRotation Direction2
newRotation Direction2

OnCurrentGameMapChanged(Map, Map)

This method is invoked when the game's CurrentMap is changed, ie when the camera is moved to a different map.

public void OnCurrentGameMapChanged(Map oldMap, Map newMap)


oldMap Map

The previous map.

newMap Map

The new map.

PlaySound(SoundEffect, Vector2, float, float, float, bool, bool)

Plays a sound at the given location (in world space) statically. If the sound should move while being played, use PlaySound(SoundEffect, MapAudioEmitter, float, float, bool, bool) instead. Note that the returned Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio.SoundEffectInstance does not need to be disposed when it is finished playing.

public SoundEffectInstance PlaySound(SoundEffect sound, Vector2 pos, float floor, float volume = 1, float pitch = 0, bool loop = false, bool applyWorldSoundVolume = true)


sound SoundEffect

The sound effect to play

pos Vector2

The position, in world space, to play the sound at

floor float

The floor to play the sound based on.

volume float

The sound's volume, between 0 and 1 (default)

pitch float

The sound's pitch, between -1, 0 (default) and 1

loop bool

Whether or not the sound should loop

applyWorldSoundVolume bool

Whether the WorldSoundVolume should be applied to the passed volume



The sound effect instance that is responsible for playing this sound, which can be stopped or paused

PlaySound(SoundEffect, MapAudioEmitter, float, float, bool, bool)

Plays a sound at the given location (in world space) with the given MapAudioEmitter, whose WorldPosition can be updated by the caller. If the sound should move in a static location, use PlaySound(SoundEffect, Vector2, float, float, float, bool, bool) instead. Note that the returned Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio.SoundEffectInstance does not need to be disposed when it is finished playing.

public SoundEffectInstance PlaySound(SoundEffect sound, MapAudioEmitter emitter, float volume = 1, float pitch = 0, bool loop = false, bool applyWorldSoundVolume = true)


sound SoundEffect

The sound effect to play

emitter MapAudioEmitter

The audio emitter, whose WorldPosition should be set by the caller

volume float

The sound's volume, between 0 and 1 (default)

pitch float

The sound's pitch, between -1, 0 (default) and 1

loop bool

Whether or not the sound should loop

applyWorldSoundVolume bool

Whether the WorldSoundVolume should be applied to the passed volume



The sound effect instance that is responsible for playing this sound, which can be stopped or paused

PlaySound(DefaultSound, Vector2, float, float, float, bool, bool)

Plays a sound at the given location (in world space) statically. If the sound should move while being played, use PlaySound(SoundEffect, MapAudioEmitter, float, float, bool, bool) instead. Note that the returned Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio.SoundEffectInstance does not need to be disposed when it is finished playing.

public SoundEffectInstance PlaySound(DefaultSound sound, Vector2 pos, float floor, float volume = 1, float pitch = 0, bool loop = false, bool applyWorldSoundVolume = true)


sound DefaultSound

The default sound to play

pos Vector2

The position, in world space, to play the sound at

floor float

The floor to play the sound based on.

volume float

The sound's volume, between 0 and 1 (default)

pitch float

The sound's pitch, between -1, 0 (default) and 1

loop bool

Whether or not the sound should loop

applyWorldSoundVolume bool

Whether the WorldSoundVolume should be applied to the passed volume



The sound effect instance that is responsible for playing this sound, which can be stopped or paused

PlaySound(DefaultSound, MapAudioEmitter, float, float, bool, bool)

Plays a sound at the given location (in world space) with the given MapAudioEmitter, whose WorldPosition can be updated by the caller. If the sound should move in a static location, use PlaySound(SoundEffect, Vector2, float, float, float, bool, bool) instead. Note that the returned Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio.SoundEffectInstance does not need to be disposed when it is finished playing.

public SoundEffectInstance PlaySound(DefaultSound sound, MapAudioEmitter emitter, float volume = 1, float pitch = 0, bool loop = false, bool applyWorldSoundVolume = true)


sound DefaultSound

The default sound to play

emitter MapAudioEmitter

The audio emitter, whose WorldPosition should be set by the caller

volume float

The sound's volume, between 0 and 1 (default)

pitch float

The sound's pitch, between -1, 0 (default) and 1

loop bool

Whether or not the sound should loop

applyWorldSoundVolume bool

Whether the WorldSoundVolume should be applied to the passed volume



The sound effect instance that is responsible for playing this sound, which can be stopped or paused


Populates a subset of empty residential lots on this map with loaded exported households, or with randomly generated households. This method is automatically invoked every few in-game days if the PopulateLots option is enabled.

public void PopulateLots()

PostValidate(Action<string>, Action<float>)

This method is called when this object is loaded from disk, after Validate(bool, Action<string>, Action<float>) has already been called. When called on a map, post-load preloads like pathfinding pre-generation occurs.

public void PostValidate(Action<string> setState, Action<float> setProgress)


setState Action<string>

An action that accepts the current state of the loading process.

setProgress Action<float>

An action that accepts the progress of the current state of the loading process.


Prepares this map for permanent removal, moving all people on this map to their original positions (including their home location if it is on another map and their lot employment map if they have one), and calls PrepareForPermanentRemoval() on all remaining people.

public void PrepareForPermanentRemoval()


Removes the given household from this map

public void RemoveHousehold(Household household)


household Household

The household to remove


Removes the given light from the world

public bool RemoveLight(Light light)


light Light

The light to remove




Removes the given lot from this map's lots

public void RemoveLot(Lot lot)


lot Lot

The lot to remove


Removes the given object from this map and its underlying MapSection. This also calls OnRemoved().

public void RemoveObject(MapObject obj)


obj MapObject

The object to remove


When removing a Furniture object from the world entirely, including when putting it into furniture storage, RemoveAndUnlink() should be used instead, or UnlinkParentsAndChildren() should be called in addition to this method. As all of those methods also sever the relationships between furniture items and their parents (which is equivalent to calling UnlinkParentsAndChildren()), they are usually preferred over this method, since parent-child relationships should not persist in many cases.


Removes the given Roof from this map

public void RemoveRoof(Roof roof)


roof Roof

The roof to remove


Removes the given stairs from this map entirely, additionally marking all involved locations dirty for pathfinding.

public bool RemoveStairs(Stairs stairs)


stairs Stairs

The stairs to remove.



Whether the stairs existed on the map, and were successfully removed.


Removes the given wall from the map

public bool RemoveWall(WallLike wall)


wall WallLike

The wall to remove



Whether the wall was present on the map and could be removed

SetTile(Point, int, Tile)

Sets the tile at the given position to the given tile

public void SetTile(Point pos, int floor, Tile tile)


pos Point

The position

floor int

The floor.

tile Tile

The tile

SummonSpecialVisitor(string, Lot)

Summons a special visitor with the given fullName to this map, and optionally to the given lotToVisit. If a special visitor with the given name does not already exist, they are imported from the exported households if found.

public PersonLike SummonSpecialVisitor(string fullName, Lot lotToVisit = null)


fullName string

The full name, excluding a space between the first and last name, of the person to summon. This name should match the person's FirstNameLastName.

lotToVisit Lot

The lot that the summoned person should visit, or null to make them visit a random lot.



The summoned person, or null if no person with the given name exists on this map or any of its Neighborhood maps, and no person with the given name exists in the set of exported households.

Update(GameTime, TimeSpan, float)

Updates this map, its MapSection objects and its Households.

public void Update(GameTime time, TimeSpan passedInGame, float speedMultiplier)


time GameTime

The game's time

passedInGame TimeSpan

The amount of time that has passed in game

speedMultiplier float

The game speed multiplier, which represents how fast things should happen, which is usually determined by Speed

UpdateExternalPeople(ICollection<Map>, Action<string>, Action<float>)

Updates the given maps' regular visitors based on the MaxRegularVisitors value, assigns random people to empty LotEmployment slots, and clears duplicate households that have not been played (HasBeenPlayed). This method is called automatically in various locations.

public static void UpdateExternalPeople(ICollection<Map> maps, Action<string> setState = null, Action<float> setProgress = null)


maps ICollection<Map>
setState Action<string>
setProgress Action<float>

Validate(bool, Action<string>, Action<float>)

This method is called when this object is loaded from disk, between ValidateEarly(MapInfo, Dictionary<string, Map>, Action<string>, Action<float>) and PostValidate(Action<string>, Action<float>). When called on a map, it causes all objects to be validated, roads to be generated, outdated information to be removed, and more.

public void Validate(bool localize, Action<string> setState, Action<float> setProgress)


localize bool

Whether this map's data should be localized upon validation, which is only used for builtin maps and not custom ones.

setState Action<string>

An action that accepts the current state of the loading process.

setProgress Action<float>

An action that accepts the progress of the current state of the loading process.

ValidateEarly(MapInfo, Dictionary<string, Map>, Action<string>, Action<float>)

This method is called when this object is loaded from disk, before Validate(bool, Action<string>, Action<float>) is called. When called on a map, early section and object validation occurs.

public void ValidateEarly(PerSaveOptions.MapInfo info, Dictionary<string, Map> neighborhood, Action<string> setState, Action<float> setProgress)


info PerSaveOptions.MapInfo

The PerSaveOptions.MapInfo to assign to this map.

neighborhood Dictionary<string, Map>

The Neighborhood to assign to this map.

setState Action<string>

An action that accepts the current state of the loading process.

setProgress Action<float>

An action that accepts the progress of the current state of the loading process.

ValidateRooms(Point, int)

Adds new Room objects to the given positions if there are valid rooms present, and validates additional rooms, checking for whether they should still exist.

public Room ValidateRooms(Point position, int floor)


position Point

The position that should be inspected for possible rooms.

floor int

The floor that should be inspected for possible rooms.



If a new room was added, the added room, otherwise null.



An event that is invoked during various phases of this map being drawn. The Phase field determines which phase this event is invoked in for each invocation. This event can be subscribed to using OnEventsAttachable.

public event Action<Map.DrawEventArgs> OnDraw

Event Type



An event that is invoked when non-static events for a Map are ready to be attached to. This event is invoked in PostValidate(Action<string>, Action<float>).

public static event Action<Map> OnEventsAttachable

Event Type



An event that is invoked in OnGetStaticMaps, which mods can use to add custom static maps to the game. If this event is subscribed to and one or more custom maps are added to the list, the OnLoadStaticMap event should also be subscribed to to handle actually loading these maps.

public static event Action<List<(string Path, string Description, Texture2D Icon, bool Hidden)>> OnGetStaticMaps

Event Type

Action<List<(string Path, string Description, Texture2D Icon, bool Hidden)>>


An event that is invoked when the visitation priority for this map for a PersonLike is evaluated in GetVisitPriority(PersonLike). The visitation priority for any given person can be modified using this event. This event can be subscribed to using OnEventsAttachable.

public event Map.VisitPriorityDelegate OnGetVisitPriority

Event Type



An event that is invoked in LoadStaticMap(MapInfo), which mods can use to load custom static maps into the game. If this event is subscribed to, OnGetStaticMaps should also be subscribed to to return the information about the custom maps that are loadable by mods.

public static event Map.LoadStaticMapDelegate OnLoadStaticMap

Event Type



An event that is invoked when a MapObject is added to this map using AddObject(MapObject) This event can be subscribed to using OnEventsAttachable.

public event Action<MapObject> OnObjectAdded

Event Type



An event that is invoked when a MapObject is removed from this map using RemoveObject(MapObject) This event can be subscribed to using OnEventsAttachable.

public event Action<MapObject> OnObjectRemoved

Event Type



An event that is invoked when a new pathfinding node is constructed after a position was marked as dirty using MarkDirtyForPathfinding(Point, int). This event can be used to make pathfinding for a given position cheaper or more expensive based on mod factors. This event can be subscribed to using OnEventsAttachable.

public event Map.PathfindingNodeConstructDelegate OnPathfindingNodeConstruct

Event Type



An event that is invoked when this map is updated in Update(GameTime, TimeSpan, float). This event can be subscribed to using OnEventsAttachable.

public event UpdateDelegate OnUpdate

Event Type



An event that is invoked in UpdateExternalPeople(ICollection<Map>, Action<string>, Action<float>), which can optionally be used to add or remove modded external people.

public static event Map.UpdateExternalPeopleDelegate OnUpdateExternalPeople

Event Type
