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Class OverlayWallHanging

Tiny Life.dll

A class for a wall-hung object like LgbtFlags and WorkoutPosters. Objects that use this class have a default "border" texture that requires all rotations to be present as usual, and an overlay texture that automatically gets rotated and mirrored. To set a default border texture that is different from the overlay, TextureName should be set explicitly.

public class OverlayWallHanging : Furniture, IGenericDataHolder
Inherited Members
Extension Methods


OverlayWallHanging(Guid, FurnitureType, int[], Map, Vector2, float)

Creates a new furniture instance. By default, this is done using Construct<T>(int[], Map, Vector2, float, Guid?).

public OverlayWallHanging(Guid id, FurnitureType type, int[] colors, Map map, Vector2 pos, float floor)


id Guid

The id to apply to the created furniture instance

type FurnitureType

The type to create an instance of

colors int[]

The colors to apply to the furniture

map Map

The map to create the furniture on

pos Vector2

The position that the furniture should have

floor float

The floor that this object is on.


Draw(GameTime, object, Vector2, float, Vector2, Color?, Direction2, int[], float, bool, ParentInfo, float, List<Item>)

Draws this furniture in the world with the given settings. This is a more generalized version of Draw(GameTime, object, Vector2, Color?, List<Item>)

public override void Draw(GameTime time, object batch, Vector2 pos, float floor, Vector2 drawPos, Color? overrideColor, Direction2 rotation, int[] colors, float drawScale, bool pivot, ParentInfo parent, float depthOffset, List<StaticSpriteBatch.Item> items)


time GameTime

The game time

batch object

The sprite batch to draw with, which is either a Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch or MLEM.Graphics.StaticSpriteBatch.

pos Vector2

The position, in world space, that the furniture is at

floor float

The floor to draw at.

drawPos Vector2

The position, in draw space, to draw the furniture at

overrideColor Color?

An optional color to override the default colors of the furniture

rotation Direction2

The rotation that the furniture should be drawn with, which is usually derived from TextureRotation.

colors int[]

The colors to draw the furniture with

drawScale float

The scale to draw the furniture with

pivot bool

Whether or not to move the furniture by its texture's pivot point

parent ParentInfo

The object that this furniture is latched on to, or null if there is none

depthOffset float

A value that is added onto the calculated depth of the object

items List<StaticSpriteBatch.Item>

A list of sprite batch items that items should be added to if the batch is a MLEM.Graphics.StaticSpriteBatch.