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Enum Visibility

Tiny Life.dll

An enumeration that represents visibility settings for MapObject objects

public enum Visibility
Extension Methods


HideZoomedOut = 2

A visibility setting that causes the object to be visible when the MapSection it is in is in view, but only if the game MLEM.Cameras.Camera's MLEM.Cameras.Camera.Scale is greather than TileScale.

Static = 3

A visibility setting that causes the object to be drawn using a MLEM.Graphics.StaticSpriteBatch rather than a Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch. Objects that move a lot, or objects that are animated, should not use this visibility setting.

WhenVisible = 0

A visibility setting that causes the object to be visible only when the MapSection it is in is in view

WhenVisibleExt = 1

A visibility setting that causes the object to be visible when the MapSection it is in, or any adjacent map section, is in view