Table of Contents

Class Relationship

Tiny Life.dll

A relationship is a connection between two PersonLike objects. It should be noted that a relationship is not always the same between a person and the linked OtherPerson. What this means is that A can have a good relationship to B, but B can have a less good relationship to A.

public class Relationship : JsonTypeSafeGenericDataHolder, IGenericDataHolder
Inherited Members
Extension Methods



This value is set to true if this relationship is a romantic relationship

public bool Dating

Field Value



This value is set to true if this relationship's partners have invoked the Kiss action at least once.

[Obsolete("Use the HadFirstKiss memory instead")]
public bool HadFirstKiss

Field Value



Stores the Types registry name of the job type that this relationship's person currently knows about the relationship's Partner. If this is null, no job type is known. If this value is set to None, the Partner has no job.

public string KnownJobType

Field Value



A set of PersonalityType objects that are known about this relationship's OtherPerson. This collection is populated by AskAboutPersonality.

public readonly HashSet<PersonalityType> KnownPersonalityTypes

Field Value



The maximum value that a relationship level can have

public const float Max = 100000

Field Value



The amount of points (out of Max) that are removed from each relationship's FriendLevel each update frame

public const float PassiveFriendReduction = 0.01

Field Value



The amount of points (out of Max) that are removed from each relationship's RomanceLevel each update frame

public const float PassiveRomanceReduction = 0.015

Field Value



Stores whether the people involved in this relationship have agreed to try for a baby. If this is true, fooling around has a chance to lead to a pregnancy.

[DataMember(EmitDefaultValue = false)]
public bool TryingForBaby

Field Value




An (unlocalized) string that represents a written version of this relationship's Type status.

public string FriendDisplayString { get; }

Property Value



The current amount of friendship points (out of Max) that this relationship has. This value is automatically clamped between -Max and Max. To take skills, personalities and more into account, use ChangeFriendship(PersonLike, float, bool).

public float FriendLevel { get; set; }

Property Value



The FriendLevel of this relationship, divided by Max, yielding a percentage between -1 and 1 of how good this friendship is

public float FriendPercentage { get; }

Property Value



The GenealogyType of this relationship. Note that the genealogy's value works in the following direction: "I am the [Genealogy] of [OtherPerson]". Note that OtherPerson will always have the GenealogyType's GetOpposite(GenealogyType).

public GenealogyType Genealogy { get; }

Property Value



The Guid of the person that this relationship is linked to. To easily retrieve the matching PersonLike instance, see Partner.

public Guid OtherPerson { get; }

Property Value



The actual other person involved in the relationship. This is a computed property that returns the PersonLike on the map with the OtherPerson id.

public PersonLike Partner { get; }

Property Value



An (unlocalized) string that represents a written version of this relationship's RomanceType status.

public string RomanceDisplayString { get; }

Property Value



The current amount of romance points (out of Max) that this relationship has. This value is automatically clamped between 0 and Max. To take skills, personalities and more into account, use ChangeRomance(PersonLike, float, bool). Note that, for aromantic people, getting and setting this value always gets and sets FriendLevel instead.

public float RomanceLevel { get; set; }

Property Value



The RomanceLevel of this relationship, divided by Max, yielding a percentage between 0 and 1 of how good this relationship's romance level is

public float RomancePercentage { get; }

Property Value



The RomanceType that this relationship has, based on the current RomanceLevel.

public RomanceType RomanceType { get; set; }

Property Value



The RelationshipType that this relationship has, based on the current FriendLevel.

public RelationshipType Type { get; set; }

Property Value



AddMemory<T>(MemoryType, bool, int, TimeSpan?)

Adds a Memory to this relationship's person's and Partner's Memories list of this person.

public T AddMemory<T>(MemoryType type, bool addToBoth, int toKeep = 0, TimeSpan? timeOccured = null) where T : Memory


type MemoryType

The type of memory to add.

addToBoth bool

Whether the memory should be added to the Partner as well.

toKeep int

An amount of memories of the given type to keep, also counting the newly added one. Oldest memories will be removed first.

timeOccured TimeSpan?

The time that this memory occured on, or null to use Time.



The added memory.

Type Parameters


CreateBars(Anchor, PersonLike, Relationship, Vector2, float, bool)

Creates a MLEM.Ui.Elements.Group with two MLEM.Ui.Elements.ProgressBar elements in it that represent the friendship and romance levels of the given relationship.

public static Group CreateBars(Anchor anchor, PersonLike person, Relationship relationship, Vector2 size, float barHeight = 10, bool showText = true)


anchor Anchor

The anchor to use.

person PersonLike

The person who has the relationship.

relationship Relationship

The relationship. May be null.

size Vector2

The MLEM.Ui.Elements.Element.Size that the MLEM.Ui.Elements.Group should have.

barHeight float

The height of the bars.

showText bool

Whether the relationship type should be displayed as text in the bars.



The group containing the bars.

CreatePanel(PersonLike, PersonLike, Relationship, Vector2)

Creates a MLEM.Ui.Elements.Group with a MLEM.Ui.Elements.Panel in it that contains information about the given relationship. This method also calls OnRelationshipPanel.

public static Group CreatePanel(PersonLike person, PersonLike otherPerson, Relationship relationship, Vector2 size)


person PersonLike

The person who has the relationship.

otherPerson PersonLike

The partner of the relationship.

relationship Relationship

The relationship. May be null.

size Vector2

The MLEM.Ui.Elements.Element.Size that the MLEM.Ui.Elements.Panel should have.



A MLEM.Ui.Elements.Group that contains the MLEM.Ui.Elements.Panel created.

GetMemories<T>(MemoryType, bool)

Returns all Memory instances that this relationship's person and Partner currently track that match the given MemoryType.

public IEnumerable<T> GetMemories<T>(MemoryType type, bool returnBoth) where T : Memory


type MemoryType

The memory type to match.

returnBoth bool

Whether the Partner's memories should also be returned.



The memories of the given type.

Type Parameters



Returns the effectiveness percentage that the given ActionType has right now, based on the amount of times that it has been used previously. In TalkAction, this effectiveness is used to reduce the friendship and romance gain based on the "boringness" of an action. Note that, if this relationship's main person is younger than a Child, the social effectiveness will always be 1.

public float GetSocialEffectiveness(ActionType action)


action ActionType

The action whose effectiveness to query



The social effectiveness, which is a percentage between 0 and 1

GetTimeSinceMemory<T>(MemoryType, bool, Func<T, bool>)

Returns the time since a memory of the given MemoryType has occured in this relationship's main person or Partner. If there are multiple memories of the given type, the minimum time is returned. If there is no memory of the given type, null is returned.

public TimeSpan? GetTimeSinceMemory<T>(MemoryType type, bool includeBoth, Func<T, bool> condition = null) where T : Memory


type MemoryType

The memory type to query.

includeBoth bool

Whether the Partner's memories should be included in the search.

condition Func<T, bool>

An additional condition to determine whether memories should be included in the search.



The time since the given memory type.

Type Parameters


PopulateTooltip(PersonLike, PersonLike, Relationship, Tooltip)

Populates the given tooltip with information about the given relationship. This method also takes the OnRelationshipTooltip event into account.

public static void PopulateTooltip(PersonLike person, PersonLike otherPerson, Relationship relationship, Tooltip tooltip)


person PersonLike

The person who has the relationship.

otherPerson PersonLike

The partner of the relationship.

relationship Relationship

The relationship. May be null.

tooltip Tooltip

The tooltip to populate.

RemoveMemory<T>(MemoryType, bool, int, Func<T, bool>)

Removes all Memory instances of the given type T and MemoryType from this relationship's person's and Partner's Memories collections, and returns the amount of memories removed.

public int RemoveMemory<T>(MemoryType type, bool removeFromBoth, int toKeep = 0, Func<T, bool> condition = null) where T : Memory


type MemoryType

The memory type to match.

removeFromBoth bool

Wether the Partner's memories should also be removed.

toKeep int

An amount of memories of the given type to keep. Oldest memories will be removed first.

condition Func<T, bool>

An additional condition to determine whether memories should be included in the search.



How many memories were removed.

Type Parameters


ResetToStatic(bool, bool)

Resets this relationship to a more basic, static version. This method is used when a map or household is exported, and by the ExportHousehold cheat.

public void ResetToStatic(bool thorough, bool sameHousehold)


thorough bool

Whether the relationship should be reset thoroughly, causing the friendship level and romance level to be averaged out

sameHousehold bool

Whether the two people that are part of this relationship are in the same household

SetGenealogy(GenealogyType, bool, Action<PersonLike, Relationship, GenealogyType>, ICollection<PersonLike>)

Sets this relationship's Genealogy and this Partner's relationship's Genealogy, additionally updating all transitive relationships' genealogies using GetTransitive(GenealogyType, GenealogyType).

public void SetGenealogy(GenealogyType genealogy, bool overwriteExistingTransitive, Action<PersonLike, Relationship, GenealogyType> onGenealogyChanged = null, ICollection<PersonLike> possibleAdditionalPeople = null)


genealogy GenealogyType

The genealogy to use for this relationship.

overwriteExistingTransitive bool

Whether the genealogies of existing transitive relationships should be updated, even if they are already set to a non-Unrelated relationship.

onGenealogyChanged Action<PersonLike, Relationship, GenealogyType>

An action that is invoked when a genealogy is changed, which is additionally passed to recursive calls of this method.

possibleAdditionalPeople ICollection<PersonLike>

A set of additional people that can optionally be considered as this relationship's or subsequent recursive calls' relationships' partners, in addition to the Partner and subsequent recursive calls' partners, which may not currently be present on the map.


Validates this relationship, setting its internal person reference to the given PersonLike. This method is automatically called for all of their relationships in Validate().

public void Validate(PersonLike person)


person PersonLike

The person that this relationship belongs to



An event that is raised when a relationship panel is created in CreatePanel(PersonLike, PersonLike, Relationship, Vector2). Use this event to add custom information to a relationship panel.

public static event Action<(PersonLike Person, PersonLike Other, Relationship Relationship, Group Group)> OnRelationshipPanel

Event Type

Action<(PersonLike Person, PersonLike Other, Relationship Relationship, Group Group)>


An event that is raised when a relationship tooltip is populated in PopulateTooltip(PersonLike, PersonLike, Relationship, Tooltip). Use this event to add custom information to a relationship tooltip.

public static event Action<(PersonLike Person, PersonLike Other, Relationship Relationship, Tooltip Tooltip)> OnRelationshipTooltip

Event Type

Action<(PersonLike Person, PersonLike Other, Relationship Relationship, Tooltip Tooltip)>