Class WallMode
A wall mode is a way that a Wall's wallpaper can be displayed. Each wall mode represents a cutout that hides certain parts of a wall for an Opening or Roof to be displayed there.
public class WallMode
- Inheritance
- Inherited Members
- Extension Methods
WallMode(string, UniformTextureAtlas, Point, UniformTextureAtlas, Point?)
Creates a new wall mode with the given mask settings. Each pixel on the mask that is non-transparent will be removed from the Wallpaper.
public WallMode(string name, UniformTextureAtlas maskTexture, Point maskPosition, UniformTextureAtlas downMaskTexture = null, Point? downMaskPosition = null)
stringThe name of this wall mode.
UniformTextureAtlasThe texture that is used as a mask when masking Wallpaper using TinyLife.World.WallMode.MaskWallpaper(MLEM.Textures.TextureExtensions.TextureData, MLEM.Textures.TextureExtensions.TextureData, MLEM.Textures.TextureExtensions.TextureData, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point).
PointThe position on the MaskTexture that the mask is at, in texture region coordinates similar to MLEM.Textures.UniformTextureAtlas.
UniformTextureAtlasThe texture that is used as a mask for the "down" version of this wall mode when using TinyLife.World.WallMode.MaskWallpaper(MLEM.Textures.TextureExtensions.TextureData, MLEM.Textures.TextureExtensions.TextureData, MLEM.Textures.TextureExtensions.TextureData, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point). If null, this defaults to the default mask texture.
Point?The position on the DownMaskTexture that the mask for the "down" version of this wall mode is at, in texture region coordinates similar to MLEM.Textures.UniformTextureAtlas. If null, this defaults to the default "down" mask position.
A wall mode that represents a wall with a door-shaped hole in it
public static readonly WallMode Door
Field Value
The position on the DownMaskTexture that the mask for the "down" version of this wall mode is at, in texture region coordinates similar to MLEM.Textures.UniformTextureAtlas. Each pixel on the mask that is non-transparent will be removed from the "down" version of the Wallpaper.
public readonly Point DownMaskPosition
Field Value
- Point
The texture that is used as a mask for the "down" version of this wall mode when using TinyLife.World.WallMode.MaskWallpaper(MLEM.Textures.TextureExtensions.TextureData, MLEM.Textures.TextureExtensions.TextureData, MLEM.Textures.TextureExtensions.TextureData, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point). Each pixel on the mask that is non-transparent will be removed from the "down" version of the Wallpaper.
public readonly UniformTextureAtlas DownMaskTexture
Field Value
- UniformTextureAtlas
A wall mode that represents a wall that is rendered in full, without any holes in it
public static readonly WallMode Full
Field Value
A full-size window that leaves almost none of the wall, except for a small sliver at the top.
public static readonly WallMode FullSizeWindow
Field Value
A long window with a similar width to SmallWindow
public static readonly WallMode LongWindow
Field Value
The position on the MaskTexture that the mask is at, in texture region coordinates similar to MLEM.Textures.UniformTextureAtlas. Each pixel on the mask that is non-transparent will be removed from the Wallpaper.
public readonly Point MaskPosition
Field Value
- Point
The texture that is used as a mask when masking Wallpaper using TinyLife.World.WallMode.MaskWallpaper(MLEM.Textures.TextureExtensions.TextureData, MLEM.Textures.TextureExtensions.TextureData, MLEM.Textures.TextureExtensions.TextureData, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point). Each pixel on the mask that is non-transparent will be removed from the Wallpaper.
public readonly UniformTextureAtlas MaskTexture
Field Value
- UniformTextureAtlas
The registered wall modes, both by mods and the game itself.
public static readonly ReadOnlyDictionary<string, WallMode> Modes
Field Value
The name of this wall mode.
public readonly string Name
Field Value
A long window with a very low width and the same length as LongWindow.
public static readonly WallMode NarrowLong
Field Value
A bathroom-style window that is high up on the wall and wide but not very tall.
public static readonly WallMode NarrowWideTop
Field Value
A full-size window that leaves almost none of the wall, just a one-pixel outline around the whole wall.
public static readonly WallMode OutlineOnly
Field Value
A wall mode that represents a wall used on the faces of a Roof that are straight
public static readonly WallMode Roof
Field Value
A wall mode that represents a wall used on the faces of a Roof that are gabled
public static readonly WallMode RoofGable
Field Value
A wall mode that represents a wall used on the faces of a Roof that are gabled in the opposite direction as RoofGable
public static readonly WallMode RoofGableInverse
Field Value
A wall mode that represents a wall with a small, rectanglular window in it
public static readonly WallMode SmallWindow
Field Value
A wall mode that represents the triangle-like areas at the bottom half of Stairs.
public static readonly WallMode[] StairsBottom
Field Value
- WallMode[]
A wall mode that represents the triangle-like areas at the bottom half of Stairs.
public static readonly WallMode[] StairsTop
Field Value
- WallMode[]
ApplyMasks(Texture2D, int, int)
Applies the game's predefined wallpaper maskings (based on WallMode) to the given wallpaper texture. When adding custom Wallpaper types, this method should be used.
Keep in mind that, for performance, the masked wallpaper texture returned by this method should still be packed using the MLEM.Data.RuntimeTexturePacker passed to mods.
public static UniformTextureAtlas ApplyMasks(Texture2D wallpapers, int regionAmountX, int regionAmountY)
Texture2DThe texture to mask
intThe amount of texture regions on the x axis
intThe amount of texture regions on the y axis
- UniformTextureAtlas
OffsetTextureRegion(Point, bool, bool)
Offsets the given texture region based on this wall mode, causing the returned texture region to contain the same Wallpaper, but with this wall mode's cutout.
public Point OffsetTextureRegion(Point region, bool vertical, bool isDown)
PointThe texture region location to offset.
boolWhether the texture region location returned should be a vertical wall.
boolWhether the texture region location returned should be in the Down display mode.
- Point
The offset texture region position.
public static WallMode Register(WallMode mode)
WallModeThe mode to register.
- WallMode
passed, for chaining.