Table of Contents

Class LotEmployment

Tiny Life.dll

A lot employment is a job that a Person executes somewhat perpetually. A person with a LotEmployment does not live on a Lot or in a Household, but instead either works at their lot employment or "leaves the city" through an BeAwayFromLotEmploymentAction. Lot employments can be added to lots using Employments or to a map using MapWideEmployments.

public class LotEmployment
Inherited Members
Extension Methods


LotEmployment(string, TextureRegion, (int Start, int End), Func<IEnumerable<ActionType>>, bool, int)

Creates a new lot employment with the given settings

public LotEmployment(string name, TextureRegion icon, (int Start, int End) workHours, Func<IEnumerable<ActionType>> actions, bool forHireOnce = false, int maxAmount = 1)


name string

The lot employment's name

icon TextureRegion

The icon to use for this lot employment.

workHours (int Start, int End)

The lot employment's work hours.

actions Func<IEnumerable<ActionType>>

The Actions that lot employees should execute. Using actions with the Nothing category will cause any instances of the action to act as if they had the Self category instead. Note that, for an Action returned by this function to have an effect, its PassivePriority needs to be greater than 0.

forHireOnce bool

Whether this lot employment is intended for one-off hires. If this is true, the person will never autonomously start work, and has to be hired for a lot using HireOnceForLot(Lot, bool).

maxAmount int

The maximum amount of people that can simultaneously be employed in this position. By default, this only has an effect in HireOnceForLot(Lot, bool) and when manually invoking AddCurrentPerson(Map, Lot, Person, AppliedMigrations, bool, bool).



A set of ActionType instances that a person working in this employment should choose to randomly execute very often. Using actions with the Nothing category will cause any instances of the action to act as if they had the Self category instead. Note that, for an Action returned by this function to have an effect, its PassivePriority needs to be greater than 0.

public readonly Func<IEnumerable<ActionType>> Actions

Field Value



public static readonly LotEmployment Babysitter

Field Value



public static readonly LotEmployment Barista

Field Value



public static readonly LotEmployment Bartender

Field Value



Whether this lot employment is intended for one-off hires. If this is true, the person will never autonomously start work, and has to be hired for a lot using HireOnceForLot(Lot, bool). Additionally, employments that are for hire once won't automatically have members assigned or generated in UpdateExternalPeople(ICollection<Map>, Action<string>, Action<float>).

public readonly bool ForHireOnce

Field Value



public static readonly LotEmployment GymTrainer

Field Value



The icon of this lot employment.

public readonly TextureRegion Icon

Field Value



public static readonly LotEmployment Librarian

Field Value



public static readonly LotEmployment MailCarrier

Field Value



A list of lot employments that are map-wide, that is, that aren't bound to a Lot. To add more map-wide lot employments, just add additional entries to this list.

public static readonly List<LotEmployment> MapWideEmployments

Field Value



The maximum amount of people that can simultaneously be employed in this position. By default, this only has an effect in HireOnceForLot(Lot, bool) and when manually invoking AddCurrentPerson(Map, Lot, Person, AppliedMigrations, bool, bool).

public readonly int MaxAmount

Field Value



public static readonly LotEmployment MuseumCurator

Field Value



The name of this lot employment

public readonly string Name

Field Value



public static readonly LotEmployment TrashCollector

Field Value



The range of hours that this lot employment is active in. During times outside of these hours, people with this employment will automatically enqueue and execute a BeAwayFromLotEmploymentAction.

public readonly (int Start, int End) WorkHours

Field Value

(int Start, int End)



A function that can optionally be used to make certain actions have a higher priority for people with this lot employment. The returned float will be multiplied with the default priority for the given ActionType.

public Func<Person, ActionType, float> ActionPriorityMultiplier { get; init; }

Property Value

Func<Person, ActionType, float>


A function that can optionally be used to make certain objects have a higher priority for usage with a given action. The returned float will be multiplied with the default priority for the given MapObject.

public Func<Person, MapObject, ObjectCategory, float> AiPriorityMultiplier { get; init; }

Property Value

Func<Person, MapObject, ObjectCategory, float>


A property that determines whether instances of this lot employment should be hidden from the player in the household selection and build mode UIs. This defaults to false.

public bool Hidden { get; init; }

Property Value



The amount of tiny bucks that a person with this lot employment will earn per hour if hired once using ForHireOnce.

public float HourlyFee { get; init; }

Property Value



A set of ObjectCategory flags that represent the item types that a person with this lot employment will idle around if they have nothing else to do. If this is set to a non-Nothing category, people with this lot employment will automatically enqueue the LotEmploymentIdle action if there is nothing else to do currently.

public ObjectCategory IdleObjects { get; init; }

Property Value



The amount of in-game time that a person with this lot employment will idle at one of their IdleObjects for. Defaults to 5 minutes.

public TimeSpan IdleTime { get; init; }

Property Value



A function that can be used to finish the lot employment's work hours before the current time is outside of WorkHours. This is used by the mail carrier to make them stop working once all mail is delivered.

public Func<LotEmployment.Instance, Person, bool> IsFinished { get; init; }

Property Value

Func<LotEmployment.Instance, Person, bool>


A function that optionally returns whether this lot employment type is actualy required on the given Map and Lot. If this is nonnull and returns false, the lot employment is not displayed, and a person is not added to it.

public Func<Map, Lot, bool> IsRequired { get; init; }

Property Value

Func<Map, Lot, bool>


A set of weekdays where work should not be done.

public DayOfWeek[] OffWorkDays { get; init; }

Property Value



An action that is invoked when this lot employment's work is finished in FinishWork(bool).

public Action<LotEmployment.Instance, Person> OnFinished { get; init; }

Property Value

Action<LotEmployment.Instance, Person>


AddCurrentPerson(Map, Lot, Person, AppliedMigrations, bool, bool)

Sets the current person for this lot employment on the given Map and Lot. If this employment is a MapWideEmployments entry, the employmentLot should be null.

public bool AddCurrentPerson(Map map, Lot employmentLot, Person person, AppliedMigrations appliedMigrations, bool manual = true, bool enqueueAwayAction = true)


map Map

The map

employmentLot Lot

The lot, or null if this is a map wide employment

person Person

The person to set, or null to remove the currently employed person.

appliedMigrations AppliedMigrations

The set of migrations that have already been applied on the given person.

manual bool

Whether this person was set manually (by a user) or automatically (using UpdateExternalPeople(ICollection<Map>, Action<string>, Action<float>)

enqueueAwayAction bool

Whether the BeAwayFromLotEmployment action should be immediately enqueued.



GetCurrentPeople(Map, Lot)

Returns the Person that is currently in charge of this lot employment. To check for MapWideEmployments, a null lot can be passed.

public IEnumerable<Person> GetCurrentPeople(Map map, Lot employmentLot)


map Map

The map that the employment is on.

employmentLot Lot

The lot, or null for a MapWideEmployments entry. Please note that this parameter does not check the WorkLot, only the EmploymentLot.



The person that currently works in this lot employment, or null if there is none

HireOnceForLot(Lot, bool)

Causes a person that works at this lot employment to be hired as a one-off laborer at the given workLot. If generateAdditional is true, and there is no lot employee currently free, a new one will be generated if MaxAmount has not been reached yet.

public Person HireOnceForLot(Lot workLot, bool generateAdditional = true)


workLot Lot

The lot to work at.

generateAdditional bool

Whether additional employees should be generated if none are free.



The hired person, or null if no person could be hired.



Thrown if this lot employment is not ForHireOnce.


Whether the given map's Time is during WorkHours, and not during OffWorkDays.

public bool IsDuringWorkHours(Map map)


map Map

The map whose time to use.



Whether the map's time is during work hours.

RemoveCurrentPeople(Map, Lot, Func<Person, bool>)

Removes all people that match the given predicate (or all people, if shouldRemove is null), from this lot employment.

public void RemoveCurrentPeople(Map map, Lot employmentLot, Func<Person, bool> shouldRemove = null)


map Map

The map to remove people from.

employmentLot Lot

The lot, or null if this is a map wide employment

shouldRemove Func<Person, bool>

A predicate that checks whether a given person should be removed. If this is null, all people will be removed.