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Class OpeningType

Tiny Life.dll

An opening is some sort of extrusion in a WallLike, like a window or a door. An opening type stores data that can be used to construct a Opening instance.

[JsonConverter(typeof(MigratingStaticJsonConverter<OpeningType>), new object[] { typeof(OpeningType), "PrivateTypes", true })]
public class OpeningType
Inherited Members
Extension Methods


OpeningType(string, Dictionary<Point, TextureRegion>, Point, WallMode, int, ColorScheme, float, Func<OpeningType, int[], WallLike, Opening>, TextureRegion)

Creates a new opening type with the given settings.

public OpeningType(string name, Dictionary<Point, TextureRegion> textures, Point textureRegion, WallMode wallMode, int price, ColorScheme color, float lightPour, Func<OpeningType, int[], WallLike, Opening> construct = null, TextureRegion icon = null)


name string
textures Dictionary<Point, TextureRegion>
textureRegion Point
wallMode WallMode
price int
color ColorScheme
lightPour float
construct Func<OpeningType, int[], WallLike, Opening>
icon TextureRegion

OpeningType(string, Dictionary<Point, TextureRegion>, Point, WallMode, int, ColorScheme[], float, Func<OpeningType, int[], WallLike, Opening>, TextureRegion)

Creates a new opening type with the given settings.

public OpeningType(string name, Dictionary<Point, TextureRegion> textures, Point textureRegion, WallMode wallMode, int price, ColorScheme[] colors, float lightPour, Func<OpeningType, int[], WallLike, Opening> construct = null, TextureRegion icon = null)


name string
textures Dictionary<Point, TextureRegion>
textureRegion Point
wallMode WallMode
price int
colors ColorScheme[]
lightPour float
construct Func<OpeningType, int[], WallLike, Opening>
icon TextureRegion

OpeningType(string, Dictionary<Point, TextureRegion>, Point, WallMode, int, ColorSettings, float, Func<OpeningType, int[], WallLike, Opening>, TextureRegion)

Creates a new opening type with the given settings

public OpeningType(string name, Dictionary<Point, TextureRegion> textures, Point textureRegion, WallMode wallMode, int price, ColorSettings colors, float lightPour, Func<OpeningType, int[], WallLike, Opening> construct = null, TextureRegion icon = null)


name string

The name

textures Dictionary<Point, TextureRegion>

The texture atlas to use for rendering

textureRegion Point

The texture region to use for rendering

wallMode WallMode

The wall mode

price int

The price

colors ColorSettings

The color schemes for this opening

lightPour float

A value between 0 and 1 that determines how much light, pours into a Room through an opening of this type, where 1 implies that the wall is almost entirely open when this opening type is applied, and 0 implies that the opening has almost no transparency to it.

construct Func<OpeningType, int[], WallLike, Opening>

The function that is used for constructing an Opening from this opening type

icon TextureRegion

The build mode category icon of this object



The color settings that this opening uses.

public readonly ColorSettings Colors

Field Value



The build mode icon for this object, which represents the category / theme / mod that it comes from. If this value is nonnull, the icon will be displayed in the corner of the build mode button for this object.

public readonly TextureRegion Icon

Field Value



A value between 0 and 1 that determines how much light, pours into a Room through an opening of this type, where 1 implies that the wall is almost entirely open when this opening type is applied, and 0 implies that the opening has almost no transparency to it.

public readonly float LightPour

Field Value



The name of this opening type

public readonly string Name

Field Value



The price of this opening

public readonly int Price

Field Value



A registry for all OpeningType instances from the game and mods. Use Register(OpeningType) to register custom opening types.

public static readonly ReadOnlyDictionary<string, OpeningType> Types

Field Value

ReadOnlyDictionary<string, OpeningType>


The WallMode that Wall instances with this opening in it should use for rendering

public readonly WallMode WallMode

Field Value




A field that indicates whether this opening type can be bought without the "ShowNonBuyable" cheat enabled

public bool CanBuy { get; init; }

Property Value



The set of migrations that should be applied to instances of this opening type when they are loaded from disk.

public List<Migration<Opening>> Migrations { get; init; }

Property Value



Construct(int[], WallLike)

Constructs a new Opening instance from this opening type

public Opening Construct(int[] colors, WallLike wall)


colors int[]

The color indices to use

wall WallLike

The wall that this opening will be slotted into



A new opening instance based on this type

Draw(GameTime, SpriteBatch, Map, Point, Point, int, Vector2, bool, float, int[], Color?, float, Point)

Draws this opening in a wall

public void Draw(GameTime time, SpriteBatch batch, Map map, Point pos1, Point pos2, int floor, Vector2 drawPos, bool vertical, float scale, int[] colors, Color? overrideColor, float depthOffset = 0, Point textureOffset = default)


time GameTime

The game's time

batch SpriteBatch

The sprite batch to render with

map Map

The map.

pos1 Point

The first position in the Positions array.

pos2 Point

The second position in the Positions array.

floor int

The floor.

drawPos Vector2

The position, in screen space, to draw at

vertical bool

Whether the underlying wall is vertical

scale float

The scale to render with

colors int[]

The color indices that should be used for rendering

overrideColor Color?

A color that this object should be rendered with, instead of its default color

depthOffset float

An offset that is optionally added to the draw depth.

textureOffset Point

An offset that should be applied to the texture region. This value is multiplied with the texture region's size.

DrawUi(Element, SpriteBatch, GameTime, Map, int[], float)

Draws this opening in ui space rather than world space

public void DrawUi(Element e, SpriteBatch batch, GameTime time, Map map, int[] colors, float drawScale)


e Element

The ui element to draw this opening onto

batch SpriteBatch

The sprite batch to use for drawing

time GameTime

The game time

map Map

The map.

colors int[]

The color indices to draw with

drawScale float

The scale to draw with. 0.3 by default.


Registers the given OpeningType to the Types registry

public static OpeningType Register(OpeningType type)


type OpeningType

The type to register



The passed type, for chaining.